Health Services Department recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Budget Transfer Request increasing revenues for ambulance services by $200,000 in County Service Area (CSA) 3 and $792,000 in CSA 7 with corresponding increases in expenditure appropriations for contracted ambulance billing services and operational contingencies within the CSA budgets. (4/5 vote required)
FUNDING: Ambulance billing fees
Total Estimated Cost $992,000
Budgeted $
New Funding $992,000 Add'l amb svc revenues
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $992,000
Change To Net County Cost $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: There is no Net County Cost associated with this item.
Background: Revenue billed and received for Ambulance Services is projected to be higher than reflected in the current year budget (FY 2009-10). Revenues for CSA 3 ambulance services are projected at $1.7M compared to $1.5M in the budget and CSA 7 ambulance service revenues are projected to be $6.7M compared to $5.9M in the budget. Ambulance revenues can fluctuate based on increased service use, the costs of the services provided and the collections received. Projected current year revenues are based on actual receipts to date plus estimates for the remaining months of the fiscal year.
Reason for Recommendation: The proposed budget transfer recognizes the additional revenues in CSA 3 and CSA 7, and appropriates $60,000 for the Cal Tahoe JPA agreement for increased call volume, $53,000 for payments to the ambulance billing vendor (Wittman Enterprises), $3,000 for County Revenue Recovery costs, and the remaining $876,000 to operational contingencies in each CSA that will likely carry forward to FY 2010/11. The agreement with the ambulance billing vendor provides that 4.75% of ambulance billings received and deposited into the County Treasury is to be paid to the...
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