Transportation Department recommending the Chairman be authorized to sign Agreement for Services AGMT 09-52715 with California Pavement Maintenance Company, Inc., in an amount not-to-exceed $100,000 and extending the term through June 30, 2010, to provide microsurfacing in zones of benefit in County Service Areas No. 2 and No. 9 on an as-requested basis.
FUNDING: Individual zone benefit assessments or special taxes.
Total Estimated Cost $ 100,000
Budgeted $ 100,000
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $ 100,000
Change To Net County Cost $ 0.00
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
Funding for services under Agreement for Services AGMT 09-52715 will be provided by benefit assessments or special taxes for the zones of benefit where services are provided. There will be no cost to the General Fund or the Road Fund.
Reason for Recommendation:
The Department of Transportation is responsible for administration of 101 zones of benefit in the County. Thirty-two of the zones were formed for maintenance of roads that have not been accepted into the County Maintained Mileage System. Road maintenance work is performed by contractors and not by County forces in these zones.
In an effort to increase efficiency and reduce costs to these road zones of benefit, Department of Transportation staff recently requested direction from County Counsel regarding bidding and contracting processes for routine road maintenance in these types of zones. After review of the zone of benefit work program and the types of work commonly performed, Counsel advised that much of this work meets the definition of “maintenance” which is not subject to the bidding requirements of the Public Contract Code, but is instead subject to the County's general procurement procedures.
The result is that as-requested routine maintenance contracts may be se...
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