Supervisor Briggs recommending Board:
1) Receive presentation provided by David Eggerton, Executive Director of the El Dorado Water and Power Authority on the purpose and function of the El Dorado Water and Power Authority;
2) Discuss and evaluate the County's continuing participation as a member agency of the El Dorado Water and Power Authority; and
3) Provide direction to staff. (Est. Time: 1 Hr.)
The term of Sacramento Municipal Utility District's (SMUD) original Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) License for the operation of the Upper American River Project (UARP), FERC Project 2101, was scheduled to expire in 2007. In 2001, utilizing FERC's alternative licensing procedures, SMUD initiated the re-licensing process to obtain its first new license for the UARP from FERC. SMUD filed its Application for a New License with FERC on July 15, 2005. In July of 2014, SMUD received a new 50-year license from the FERC for the continued operation of the UARP.
As a result of the re-licensing process, agencies within El Dorado County entered into a series of inter-related agreements to deal with FERC’s anticipated re-licensing of SMUD’s UARP. Below is a brief history and description of the various agreements.
Agreements dealing with the UARP:
A. El Dorado Water and Power Authority Joint Powers Agreement
On January 27, 2004, (Item #70) the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors approved a recommendation to form a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) to include the County of El Dorado (County), the El Dorado Irrigation District (EID), the Georgetown Divide Public Utility District (GDPUD), and the El Dorado County Water Agency (Water Agency), for the purpose of coordinating their negotiations with SMUD regarding the re-licensing of the UARP.
On February 24, 2004, (Item #33) the Board of Supervisors approved a Joint Powers Agreement for the formation of the El Dorado Water and Power Authority (EDWPA). The Joint Powers Agreement established EDWPA...
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