Sheriff's Department recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign a budget transfer in the amount of $17,211.24 to adjust prepay at year end for payment issued to Principal Decision Systems. (4/5's vote required)
Total Estimated Cost |
$17,211.24 |
Funding |
Budgeted |
$ |
New Funding |
$ |
Savings |
$ |
Other Asset Seizure |
$17,211.24 |
Total Funding Available |
$17,211.24 |
Change To Net County Cost |
$ |
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: None. The cost of this payment is being funded with Asset Seizure funds.
Reason for Recommendation: On June 23, 2010, payment in the amount of $21,217 was issued to Principal Decision Systems for software licenses for 140 staff. At year end the Auditor's Office processed a transfer of $17,211.24 to Fiscal Year 2010/11 as a pre-pay from Fiscal 2009/10. The Sheriff's Department had not anticipated this expenditure and therefore did not budget for this expense in Fiscal Year 2010/11.
Action to be taken following Board approval: Chairman will sign budget transfer for processing through the Auditor.
Contact: Don Ashton x. 5691