Human Resources Department recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 111-2019 repealing and replacing the County of El Dorado Employee-Employer Relations Resolution 10-83, Employee Relations Amendment 112-86, Employee Relations Amendment 106-2005, Employee Relations Amendment 107-2005, and Recognition Resolution 100-2016. (Est. Time: 5 Min.)
On January 11, 1983, the Board of Supervisors adopted the Employee Employer-Relations Resolution (EERR) 10-83 implementing Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (MMBA) by establishing procedures and rules for administration of employee-employer relations between the County of El Dorado and its employee organizations and for resolving matters affecting employment. In subsequent years, as new bargaining units were formed and the EERR was further amended by resolutions 112-86, 106-2005, 107-2005, and 100-2016, to recognize these units and their respective authorized employee organizations.
Over the past year, Human Resources conducted a comprehensive review of the EERR and received input from the authorized agents of represented bargaining units and from County Counsel. Given the length of time since the EERR was adopted, there are several revisions to align with changes in the MMBA and recent federal and state law. A summary of the changes, which is not inclusive, is below:
· Amend existing language in the Statement of Purpose to reflect that the EERR is intended to strengthen civil service and other methods of administering employer-employee relations through the establishment of uniform and orderly methods of communications between employees, employee organizations, and the County, and reflect the MMBA.
· Add Management Rights statement that is meant to be descriptive of the County rights, and not exhaustive.
· Amended Definitions such as:
a. Consult/Consultation in Good Faith
b. Employee Organizations
c. Exclusive Representative
d. Meet and Confer in Good Faith
e. Memoran...
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