Hearing to consider rezone Z07-0024 of 9.55 acres (APN 124-300-90) from Two-acre Residential (R2A) to General Commercial-Design Control (CG-DC) [Planning Commission is recommending Commercial-Planned Development (C-PD)] in the El Dorado Hills area; and adoption of Ordinance 4757 for said rezone. Applicant: Salvador Orosco. (District I)
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Planning Commission recommending the Board take the following action: 1. Adopt the negative declaration, as prepared; and 2. Approve Z07-0024 rezoning Assessor's Parcel Number 124-300-90 from Two-acre Residential (R2A) to Commercial-Planned Development (C-PD), based on the findings listed on Attachment 1.
Background: This application was considered by the Planning Commission on December 13, 2007. Eight individuals voiced concern regarding the possible rezone to General Commercial, stating the uses allowed under such zoning are not appropriate for this area, that the design control overlay is not sufficient for additional review, there would be an increase in heavy vehicle traffic, and that the property should be rezoned to a professional use. Several Commissioners voiced concern regarding a change to General Commercial and the uses allowed in such a zone as this is the 'gateway' to El Dorado County.
The Commission unanimously recommended a change in zoning to Commercial-Planned Development (C-PD). The item was continued off-calendar to give staff an opportunity to see if the environmental document had to be recirculated due to the change in proposed zoning. After discussion with County Counsel, recirculation of the environmental document was not required, and the item was readvertised for the Board hearing with the recommendation to Commercial-Planned Development.
Contact: Lawrence W. Appel (7698)/Gina Hunter (3617)