Supervisor Santiago recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Letter of Support for the submittal of the Gold Country Broadband Consortium application requesting financial support from the California Public Utilities Commission California Advanced Services Fund by the Sierra Economic Development Corporation to serve as the Regional Consortium for the Rural and Urban Regional Broadband Consortia Grant program.
Gold Country Broadband Consortia covers a five-county area of the some five thousand seven hundred sixty five (5,765) square miles. The area can be characterized as consisting of three geographic sub-areas: the Sacramento Valley sub-area that includes the southwestern part of Placer County (primarily its cities of Roseville, Rocklin and Lincoln) and the western-most part of El Dorado County along the Highway 50 corridor (primarily the communities of El Dorado Hills); the western-slope sub-area that includes the foothill portions of the counties of El Dorado, Placer, Nevada and Sierra west of the crest of the Sierra Nevada mountains; and the eastern-slope sub-area that includes that part of the counties of Sierra, Nevada, Placer, El Dorado and Alpine that are east of the crest of the Sierra Nevada mountains including the Lake Tahoe Basin.
The membership of the Gold Country Broadband Consortium includes representation from key stakeholders in each of the Consortium counties with a vested interest in the expanded availability and adoption of broadband services. The key stakeholders fall into general categories including consumers (both residential and business), local government (both city and county), Native-American communities, libraries, education, health care, workforce development and economic development entities, accessibility advocates and Internet Service Providers (ISPs). The Sierra Economic Development Corporation (SEDCorp) serves the Consortium as manager and fiscal agent. The members of the Consortium serv...
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