Health Services Department recommending the Board ratify the signatures of the Directors of Human Services and Health Services on letters of intent, due to the State August 31, 2011, to apply for a Community Nutrition Expansion Project grant with the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) and California Department of Public Health (CDPH), respectively.
The Health Services Department, in collaboration with the Department of Human Services, is requesting Board approval in concept to investigate a proposed grant with the above-noted State agencies for grant funding in the amount of $150,000 each for the Health Services Department and Department of Human Services (total combined funding $300,000), for the term October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012.
FUNDING: Federal, US Department of Agriculture through CDPH and CDSS.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: There is no Net County Cost associated with this grant program.
Background: This grant is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed), and is intended to establish a county-wide presence for SNAP-Ed throughout the community. The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-296) is the Federal Child Nutrition and Reauthorization bill that was signed into law in December 2010, (it became retroactively effective October 1, 2010) and included a provision that incorporates a Community Nutrition Expansion Project into SNAP-Ed. The project is offering a grant that requires collaboration between local Health Services and Human Services agencies, formalized by an MOU, and provides funding for nutrition education activities for the eligible population of the County.
The Departments are requesting approval in concept from the Board to further investigate the opportunity presented by this proposed grant; in the event the Department determines this grant would be appropriate, Department will return to the Board with furthe...
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