Public Health Department recommending advanced step placement of Shannon Asquith at Step 4 of the salary range for the position of Animal Control Operations Manager, effective pay period 26.
FUNDING: Salary cost savings.
Total Estimated Cost$2,033 Funding Budgeted$2,033 New Funding$ Savings$ Other$ Total Funding Available$2,033Change To Net County Cost$
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: Increase in salary from step 3 to step 4 will result in an increase of approximately $2,033 in the remaining 7 months of the Department's FY 06/07 budget and will be covered by salary cost savings. There will be no increase in net county cost.
Background: The Board of Supervisors approved an Animal Control Operations Manager in the FY 06/07 Budget. The Department conducted a recruitment for this position and was successful in finding a candidate with the managerial experience and professional background that satisfied its needs.
Reason for Recommendation: The candidate chosen to fill this position is Shannon Asquith, previously with the City of Sacramento (City) as a manager in animal control services. With twelve years of experience, including three years in management with the City, Ms. Asquith brings a high level of competence and expertise to the County and will assume many of the administrative responsibilities that have overwhelmed Animal Control in recent months. Ms. Asquith was by far the most outstanding candidate. The Department is requesting that Ms. Asquith receive step 4 of the pay schedule to keep her salary comparable to her current salary with the City. Ms. Asquith was willing to start with the Department at 3rd step to help address critical staffing needs with the understanding that BOS approval would be required to advance her to the 4th step. Ms. Asquith began her service with the County on November 27, 2006. Given the reasons cited ab...
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