Chief Administrative Office, Office of Wildfire Preparedness and Resilience, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 047-2024, amending the Authorized Personnel Allocation Resolution 088-2023, adding four (4) full time equivalent (FTE) positions, including 1 FTE Sr. Administrative Analyst, 1 FTE Administrative Analyst I/II, and 2 FTE Defensible Space Inspector I/II.
FUNDING: State and Federal Grant Funds (90%), General Fund (10%).
As the Office of Wildfire Preparedness and Resilience (OWPR) continues to evolve and expand its programs and efforts to promote creating a more fire-adapted and resilient El Dorado County, staff regularly evaluate current capacity and additional resources needed to implement new projects, manage existing large-scale grant funded projects, and enhance existing programs within OWPR. As part of this evaluation, it was determined that in order to successfully manage this increasing workload, additional staff are necessary. The additional costs are estimated to be 90% grant-funded. The remaining 10% is offset by reductions in Services and Supplies due to the reduction of contracts for defensible space inspections.
In October 2023, OWPR submitted a request to Human Resources to evaluate the requested positions to determine the appropriate classifications based on the anticipated workload and scope for each. Human Resources has confirmed that the proposed work is appropriate for the classifications requested.
Provided below is information and an overview of the key duties/tasks for each proposed position.
Sr. Administrative Analyst:
This position will be tasked with serving as the project manager for the Weber Creek Project, an approximately $25 million dollar grant project funded through the California Wildfire Mitigation Program. Under this project, the County is tasked with implementing a comprehensive pilot program to perform defensible space and home hardening re...
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