Mental Health Department recommending Chairman be authorized to sign Agreement 046-S0911 with Sierra Recovery Center in the amount of $120,000 for the term July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 to provide substance abuse services for mentally ill homeless adults on an “as requested” basis, contingent on County Counsel and Risk Management approval.
FUNDING: State Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Funds
Total Estimated Cost $120,000
Budgeted $120,000
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $120,000
Change To Net County Cost $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: The total funding for this agreement is $120,000 for the one year contract. There is no Change to Net County Cost.
The original funding sources for this contract came from the AB 2034 Homeless Mentally Ill Program in South Lake Tahoe, also known as the Tahoe Opportunity Project (TOP) and the State of California, Corrections Standards Authority’s Mentally Ill Offender Crime Reduction (MIOCR) grant. Both these sources are now (or will shortly become) extinct. Continued funding will be provided by the State Department of Mental Health (DMH), through the County’s approved Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Community Services and Support program known as “Prospect Place.”
Background: A common goal of the TOP and MIOCR programs was to reduce homelessness and criminal recidivism by improving the mental health of mentally ill, individuals through linkage to mental health and other community services. Efforts to assist program participants overcome both mental illness and substance abuse played a significant role in TOP’s and MIOCR’s success. Going forward, with the Board and State DMH’s approvals, the Mental Health Department (MHD) will continue providing “dual diagnosis” treatment for this target population through its MHSA funding for Prospect Place.
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