Development Services Department, Planning Services Division, forwarding Lot Line Adjustment BLA10-0036 for property identified by APNs 078-240-16 and 078-240-37, consisting of 79.70 acres, in the Pleasant Valley area, submitted by Edward and Mary Ann Dante and First Horizon Home Loans; and recommending the Board take the following actions:
1) Certify that the project is Exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 21080 of the CEQA Guidelines; and
2) Approve Lot Line Adjustment BLA10-0036 based on the Findings in Attachment 1. (Supervisorial District 2)
Background: Request to consider Lot Line Adjustment BLA10-0036 submitted by EDWARD and MARY ANN DANTE and FIRST HORIZON HOME LOANS to request a lot line adjustment between two parcels, one currently in a Williamson Act Contract (Agricultural Preserve No. 58). The property, identified by Assessors Parcel Numbers 078-240-16 and 078-240-37, consisting of 79.70 acres, is located on the south side of Crestline Drive, approximately 3.5 miles west of the intersection with Pleasant Valley Road, in the Pleasant Valley area, Supervisorial District 2. [Project Planner: Aaron Mount] (Statutory Exemption pursuant to Section 21080 of the CEQA Guidelines)
When a lot line adjustment is proposed between four or fewer existing and adjoining parcels, the local agency's review, approval, and conditioning of the proposed lot line adjustment is limited. However, if a lot line adjustment involves land that is restricted by a Williamson Act contract, then the proposed lot line adjustment must not conflict with the Williamson Act contract restrictions. Government Code Section 51257 requires that the County of El Dorado Board of Supervisors make all findings for approval or denial of lot line adjustments of Williamson Act Agricultural Preserves.
A Staff Report is attached.
Contact: Roger Trout (5369)/Pierre Rivas (5841)