Development Services Department recommending the Board give direction on the General Plan Review, Mitigation and Implementation Monitoring Program, including:
1) Review the Plan Assumptions;
2) Identify known policy and land use map issues;
3) Discuss mitigation monitoring;
4) Review other topics related to the General Plan that have been raised; and
5) Discuss additional information. (Refer 4/13/10, Item 24)
General Plan Review, Mitigation and Implementation Monitoring Program
Introduction: The purpose of this special meeting is to outline the issues intended to be addressed in the General Plan review, including 1) review the Plan Assumptions, 2) identify known policy and land use map issues, 3) discuss mitigation monitoring, 4) review other topics related to the General Plan that have been raised, and 5) discuss additional information.
Background: On April 13, 2010 the Board of Supervisors set a special meeting to discuss the upcoming General Plan review, which was one of the priority work products that the Development Services Department identified in its 12-month action plan. General Plan monitoring and review is required by Policy which reads:
Two years following the adoption of the General Plan and thereafter every five years, the County shall examine the results of the monitoring process for the previous period. If the results of this monitoring process indicate that the distribution of growth varies significantly from the major assumptions of this Plan, the County shall make appropriate adjustments to the Plan’s development potential by General Plan amendment. Five year adjustments in the development potential may include either additions to or subtractions from this land supply and may result in policy changes.
Additional policies under Goal 2.9 require annual monitoring of land inventory, population and employment growth, and other useful indicators; amending the development potential based on the findings in the revie...
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