Chief Administrative Office, Risk Management recommending the Board approve Memorandum of Understanding between County of El Dorado and Meeks Bay Fire District, pending County Counsel review and approval, to authorize Meeks Bay Fire District employees and board members to participate in the County of El Dorado Employer Health Care Plan.
FUNDING: Risk Management Fund - Benefits Health Subfund.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: Meeks Bay Fire District will pay the full cost for benefits for their employees and board members as well as a 2% administration fee to the Risk Management Division. There is no County cost.
In the past, Meeks Bay Fire District participated in the County's Employer Health Care Plan (Plan), but withdrew from the Plan. This year, the Fire District elected to move to the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) Health Care program for their employees effective January 1, 2012. Meeks Bay Fire District is unable to provide coverage to their Board members at a reasonable rate through the PERS coverage. Chief John Pang contacted the Risk Management Division about providing health care coverage to their Board members.
Based on the above information, the Risk Management Division determined that there are no restrictions on allowing Meeks Bay Fire District from participating in the Plan. The Risk Management Division is requesting that the Board approve Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the County and Meeks Bay Fire District upon approval by County Counsel on the MOU.
Reason for Recommendation: Allowing the Meeks Bay Fire District to participate in the County's Plan will save the District money and is no cost to the County or the Risk Management Benefits Health Fund.
Action to be taken following Board approval:
1) Finalize the MOU with County Counsel review and approval.
2) Enroll Meeks Bay Fire District board members in the County Employer Health Care Plan.
Contact: Kim Kerr, Asst. CAO ext. 7695