Transportation Department recommending Chairman be authorized to sign Contract Change Order No. 3 Supplemental 1 with Nehemiah Construction, Inc. in the amount of $250,000 to provide compensation for all labor, equipment, materials, and supplies necessary for dust control work for the Missouri Flat Road Overcrossing Phase 1A Project (71317).
FUNDING: 2004 General Plan Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees
Total Estimated Cost $250,000
Budgeted $250,000
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $ $250,000
Change To Net County Cost $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
The total budget for construction is $22,728,265 (spanning FYs 06-07 through 09-10) with $4,360,000 of this amount in contingency. Including the proposed Contract Change Order (CCO) the contingency balance is now $3,389,657 and deemed adequate by the Transportation Department's (Department) Project Engineer through completion of the project, absent some extrodianary event. There is no Net County Cost.
Contract Amount Contingency Budget Total Budget
Original: $18,368,265 $4,360,000 $22,728,265
CCO's 1-23: $720,343 ($720,343) $0
CCO: $250,000 ($250,000) $0
Balance: $19,338,608 $3,389,657 $22,728,265
The Project's Special Provisions Section 10-1.15 states that the contractor is required to comply with County Air Quality Management District (AQMD) Rules 223, 223-1, and 223-2. Special Provisions Section 10-1.15 also states that the cost of performing dust control shall be paid by the County via force account (time and materials) CCO. In doing so, certain items of work, necessary to complete the Project and which require a variable work effort to complete, are identified in the Contract documents as supplemental items of work to be performed and paid for on a time and materials...
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