A request by Chair Nevis that the Planning Commission consider formation of an ad-hoc committee to work with staff on specific options for potential changes to the cannabis ordinance, for presentation to and consideration by the entire Commission.
After holding two workshops on El Dorado County's cannabis program, on July 14, 2023 the Planning Commission submitted to the Board of Supervisors a list of topics that the Commission recommended be considered in a potential revision of the cannabis ordinance. After holding its own workshop, the Board divided the list into two phases. First, the Board adopted a Resolution of Intention (ROI) directing staff to immediately develop revisions related to operational and administrative aspects of the cannabis program (Phase 1). Second, the Board directed the Planning Commission to provide more specific recommendations and guidance regarding larger policy changes to the cannabis ordinance (Phase 2).
Phase 1 is nearing completion, as on December 14, 2023 the Planning Commission forwarded to the Board of Supervisors a recommendation to approve the changes directed by the ROI. To ensure the Commission's meeting on Phase 2 changes proceeds as efficiently as possible, Chair Nevis recommends that the Commission appoint an ad-hoc committee consisting of two planning commissioners. This ad-hoc committee would work with staff to prepare specific options for potential changes to the cannabis ordinance, for presentation to and consideration by the entire Commission.