Sheriff recommending your Board approve the Memorandum of Understanding (2) for fiscal years 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 with the South Lake Tahoe El Dorado Narcotic Enforcement Team (SLEDNET) and authorize the Purchasing Agent to encumber the Sheriff's annual contribution to SLEDNET.
FUNDING: CAL-MMET grant and the Sheriff's budget.
Total Estimated Cost FY 06/07 $37,114
FY 07/08 $106,114
Budgeted $143,565
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $143,565
Change To Net County Cost $-0-
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:: None. Funding for the payment to SLEDNET comes from the CAL-MMET grant and the Sheriff's budget.
Background: Each year, based on authority granted by the Board of Supervisors on September 29,1992 (Item #8), the Sheriff signs the annual Memorandum of Understanding for the South Lake Tahoe/El Dorado Narcotic Enforcement Team (SLEDNET). Your Board reviews the MOU only when there are material changes; the last review was in December 1998 when the MOU changed the distribution of seized assets.
Reason for Recommendation: The FY2006/2007 and FY2007/2008 MOU's contain no material changes but do require the Sheriff's Office to contribute in excess of $10,000 to the task force.
Action to be taken following Board approval: The Purchasing Agent will encumber the Sheriff's annual contribution to SLEDNET in the amount of $37,114 for FY2006/2007 and $106,451 for FY2007/2008 based on Attachment A of the MOU.
Contact: Mary Pierce X5691
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