Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board order the Auditor-Controller to disburse $706,630.02 to the El Dorado Hills County Water District (El Dorado Hills Fire Department) from its Development Impact Mitigation Fee account for new and replacement apparatus, vehicles, equipment, and facility costs due to growth within the District.
FUNDING: Development Impact Fees.
The California Mitigation Fee Act (Cal. Gov. §66000 et seq.) provides for the establishment of fees to mitigate the impacts of new development on public facilities in order to maintain the established level of service. Individual Special Districts do not have the authority to establish these fees; as a result, the County establishes fees on behalf of the districts. In accordance with the Mitigation Fee Act, these revenues are segregated and deposited into a separate account for each district.
Each request is needed in order to expand services based on the demand created by new development. The District’s request and link of reasonable relationship to their Nexus Study is attached. In accordance with the District's impact fee nexus study, new apparatus, vehicles, equipment, and facilities may be funded 100% by impact fees, and replacement apparatus, vehicles, equipment, and facilities may be funded 26.5% by impact fees.
1. 2022 Dodge Ram 2500 (VIN 27166): Retrofitting of the Deputy Chief replacement vehicle purchased in FY 2022/23 - $26,265.14
2. 2023 Ford Explorer (VIN 10209): Replacement of a Community Risk Reduction Division vehicle, lettering, and striping - $13,744.68
3. 2018 Dodge Ram 3500 (VIN 66745): Retrofitting of the Training Captain replacement vehicle purchased in FY 2022/23 - $16,437.30
4. 2022 Dodge Ram 2500 (VIN 50467): Retrofitting of the Battalion Chief replacement vehicle purchased in FY 2022/23 - $15,901.70
5. 2019 BME Type III Engine: Replacement Type III Engine and associated graphics - $137,159.85
1. Training ...
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