ADM24-0035 Hernandez Agricultural Setback Relief Administrative Relief from Agricultural Setback to Construct a New Single-Family Dwelling Assessor’s Parcel Number: 099-150-051-000.
The applicant is requesting administrative relief from the required 200-foot agricultural setbacks for the above-referenced project be reduced 125 feet to 75 feet from the eastern adjacent parcel (APN 078-280-014-000) to allow for the construction of a new single family dwelling unit through a future building permit.
The applicant’s parcel, APN 099-150-051-000, is located on the southeast side of Savage Road south of the intersection with Pleasant Valley Road in the Placerville area of El Dorado County, Supervisor District 3. The subject parcel is 8.68 acres and zoned Rural Lands-10 acre (RL-10) with a General Plan Land Use Designation of Rural Residential (RR) located within an Agricultural District. Adjacent properties to the north, west and south are similarly zoned Rural Lands/RL-10, and to the east zoned Planned Agricultural/PA-20, all located within an Agricultural District.
Please see under attachments for complete request from Planning
LeeAnne Mila (530) 621-5520 or Cerrissa Deitchman (530) 621-5355