Human Resources Department recommending the Board:
1) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 070-2024 to approve, due to an upward reclassification, the deletion of 1.0 FTE Department Systems Analyst allocation and the addition of 1.0 FTE Sr. Department Systems Analyst allocation in the Health and Human Services Agency; and
2) Waive the requirement for filling the Sr. Department Systems Analyst position through a competitive examination process, allowing the current incumbent (position 1973) to be appointed to the position as provided for in Section 507.1.2 of the Personnel Rules.
FUNDING: Mental Health Services Act (90%), Realignment and federal Medi-Cal (10%).
At HHSA’s request, HR conducted a classification study of a single-incumbent Department Systems Analyst using a whole-job analysis approach, which evaluated the position based on its core duties, responsibilities, level of work, and the required qualifications. This study assessed the position in its entirety, comparing it with other roles based on overall difficulty and performance.
The study revealed that the incumbent is performing at the level of a Sr. Department Systems Analyst position. Consequently, HR recommends that the Board approve the reclassification of this allocation and incumbent from Department Systems Analyst to Sr. Department Systems Analyst.
Upon the Board’s approval, all conditions for the upward reclassification and the waiver of examination under Personnel Rule 507.1.2 will be met. This will exempt the position from the standard competitive examination process for filling a Sr. Department Systems Analyst position, allowing the incumbent to be appointed directly.
Furthermore, the salary adjustment will align with Personnel Rule 612.2 for Upward Reclassification. Additionally, under Personnel Rule 507.1, the probationary period for the incumbent will be waived by the appointing authority with approval from the Director of Human Reso...
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