Chief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division, recommending the Board declare as surplus four (4) Xerox photocopiers; and authorize the Purchasing Agent to utilize the trade-in allowance towards the lease of four new Xerox photocopiers for the Mental Health Department.
FUNDING: Medi-Cal & Realignment.
REASON FOR RECOMMENDATION: The Mental Health Department desires to surplus four Xerox Photocopiers and use the trade-in allowance towards the lease of four new Xerox Photocopiers. The new copiers will have upgraded features that will more efficiently meet the unique needs of the department. Xerox will remove the equipment and provide a combined trade-in allowance of $1,500.00. The current copiers are in fairly good condition; however, the cost of acquiring services necessary to maintain the current copiers exceeds the value of leasing new equipment. Maintenance is provided at no cost to the County when new copiers are leased.
In order for the Purchasing Agent to utilize the trade-in allowance offered by Xerox, the Board must declare the property surplus prior to the Purchasing agent issuing blanket purchase orders for the new equipment.
FISCAL IMPACT/CHANGE TO NET COUNTY COST: Procurement and Contracts has been advised that funding is available within the Mental Health's services and supplies budget.
ACTION TO BE TAKEN FOLLOWING APPROVAL: Upon approval by the Board, the Auditor-Controller will process property transfer forms to acknowledge the transaction, and the Purchasing Agent will issue blanket purchase orders for the lease of four new Xerox equipment using the four (4) Xerox photocopiers as a trade-in allowance.
CONTACT: Bonnie H. Rich, Purchasing Agent x5940
CONCURRENCES: Not Applicable