Department of Transportation, Maintenance and Operations Division, recommending the Board:
1) Decrease the cost of four (4) 10-wheeler dump trucks on the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Fixed Asset List from $290,000 to $272,500;
2) Increase the cost of two (2) 6-wheeler dump trucks on the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Fixed Asset List from $250,000 to $285,000;
3) Find the purchase of two (2) 6-wheeler dump trucks are exempt from competitive bidding in accordance with County Procurement Policy C-17 Section 3.4.4 due to the use of a competitively bid contract for the purchase;
4) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to utilize the Sourcewell competitively-bid Contract 032824-NAF for the acquisition of two (2) 6-wheeler dump trucks; and
5) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign a purchase order to the awarded Sourcewell vendor, National Auto Fleet Group of Watsonville, CA in the amount of $527,416 plus applicable delivery, taxes, and fees (estimated at $38,442.66) for a one-time purchase of two (2) 6-wheeler dump trucks.
FUNDING: Road Fund (100%).
Department of Transportation, Maintenance and Operations Division (Transportation) is requesting authorization to purchase two (2) 6-wheeler dump trucks. Due to recent California Air Resource Board (CARB) Requirements, heavy equipment dealerships are required to sell one electric vehicle (EV) of same class in order to sell up to ten diesel or gas pieces of equipment. Once equipment is purchased, it is grandfathered into the CARB program and is not required to be replaced with an EV until end of life. Transportation is not equipped to purchase EV equipment due to budgetary constraints and infrastructure. Transportation has been working with dealerships to find diesel equipment allocations that other organizations have given up. National Auto Fleet Group has two allocations for diesel equipment which has been allotted to El Dorado County, allowing the purchase of the trucks.
Two (2) 6-wheeler dump trucks will ...
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