Department of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the First Amendment to Agreement for Services 5189 with California Compaction Equipment, increasing the not-to-exceed amount by $150,000 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $400,000, and other minor administrative changes determined necessary, with no changes to the rates or the term of the contract, to provide equipment rentals.
FUNDING: Transit Occupancy Tax. (100%)
The Department of Transportation, Maintenance and Operations Division (Maintenance) requested and received approval from the Board of Supervisors on November 17, 2020, to enter into agreement #5189, with California Compaction Equipment Inc. in the amount of $250,000, with a three-year term. Maintenance rents equipment when it is more cost effective than it would be to own, such as equipment that is only needed for short periods for specialized or emergency projects and snow removal. Additionally, Maintenance relies on rental equipment when department-owned equipment is out of service. Types of equipment rentals include, but are not limited to: water trucks, compactors, bulldozers, loaders, grader, excavators, paving rollers, sand blasting equipment and power tool equipment.
The First Amendment to Agreement #5189 is necessary to continue renting the snow removal seasonal equipment . The amount of the First Amendment to Agreement includes funding to cover rentals through the end of snow removal operations. Maintenance is requesting to add an additional $150,000 with the First Amendment for a new not-to-exceed total of $400,000.
The Board could choose not to approve the First Amendment to Agreement. Transportation would need to return the seasonal snow removal equipment and attempt to find equipment from another vendor.
#20-0893, 11/17/2020 #13
County Counsel and Procurement and Contracts
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