Probation Department recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Budget Transfer 2010083 transferring equity in the DNA Penalty Assessment Special Revenue Fund (SRF 7725327) from the Probation Department to the Sheriff's Office (SRF 7724354). (4/5 vote required)
FUNDING: Revenue received from Proposition 69.
Total Estimated Cost $110,000
Budgeted $110,000
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $
Change To Net County Cost $ -0-
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: No fiscal impact or change to Net County cost.
Effective November 2, 2004, Proposition 69 amended portions of the California Penal Code and California Government Code with the DNA Fingerprint, Unsolved Crime and Innocence Protection Act. Proposition 69 expands and modifies state law related to collection and use of criminal offender DNA samples and palm print impressions. A $1.00 penalty for every $10.00 or fraction thereof upon every fine, penalty and forfeiture levied on criminal offenses, including traffic offenses, but excluding parking offenses. A portion of the funds go to the State and a portion to the County. Funds can be used for specific local DNA related activities.
Reason for Recommendation:
It has been determined the majority of DNA related activities are performed by the Sheriffs Office; therefore, the SRF should reside in their fiscal organizational structure.
Action to be taken following Board approval:
1) Chair to sign attached Budget Transfer #2010083 authorizing the Auditor/Controller to transfer equity in the DNA Penalty Assessment Special Revenue Fund (SRF 7725327) from the Probation Department to the Sheriff's Office (SRF 7724354).
2) The Sheriffs Office will assume financial responsibility and annual reporting to the Department of Justice.
Contact: Gary Hudgeons, Interim Chief Probation Officer, 530-621-5638...
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