Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board:
1) Receive and file a fee study report dated June 2024, performed by MGT Consulting (MGT) for HHSA Senior Day Care and Public Guardian fee-related services;
2) Provide direction to staff on the fees recommended by MGT and how to proceed with the fee updates for both Senior Day Care and Public Guardian, with the options and fee changes/increase recommendations:
a) Direct staff to return with a resolution to increase Senior Day Care Program fees by:
i. Distributing the recommended increases evenly across a three-year implementation period, to ease the financial impact to families served, as recommended by staff to achieve a 97% recovery level after three years; or
ii. Increase fees in the first year for 80% recovery level;
b) Direct staff to return with a resolution to increase Public Guardian Program fees as recommended by staff; which equates to a 37% recovery of County costs; and
c) Provide alternative direction for next steps staff should take on Senior Day Care and Public Guardian fees.
FUNDING: Fees for Service and County General Fund.
HHSA Community Services and Behavioral Health commissioned a fee study conducted by MGT for Public Guardian and Senior Day Care sites. The primary goals of the study were to determine what it costs the County to provide the various fee-related services, determine whether there are any services where a fee should be collected, identify service areas where the County might adjust fees based on the full cost of services and other economic or policy considerations, and develop revenue projections based on recommended increases or decreases to fees.
On September 13, 2016, the Board adopted Resolution 148-2016 establishing the Fee Schedule for Senior Day Care (Legistar file 16-0805, V. 2). On September 12, 2017, the Board adopted Resolution 142-2017 revising the Fee Schedule for the Public Guardian (Legistar file 16-0805, V. 3)...
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