Supervisor Sweeney recommending the Board receive a presentation from the Department of Transportation, Rubicon Division regarding the 2012 maintenance activities on the Rubicon Trail. (Est. Time: 30 Min.)
El Dorado County Department of Transportation delivered 824 tons of rock to five stockpiles along the Rubicon Trail. The rock was delivered to the stockpiles by Erickson Aircrane. Erickson arrived on Monday, May 21, 2012 after a two day delay due to mechanical issues with the helicopter. Twenty four hours of flight time was originally scheduled and because of the delay, Erickson generously gave the county two additional hours of flight time free of charge.
The historic tree at Little Sluice came down in March this year and The Rubicon Trail Foundation arranged for Mulhollen Family Tree Service to prepare the tree and DOT arranged for Erickson Aircrane to remove the tree on Wednesday, May 23, 2012 and fly it to a secure location.
This project demonstrates the "get it done" attitude for all that are involved on the Rubicon Trail. In order to make this project successful it took many departments and agencies working together; County Counsel, Risk Management, Department of Transportation, Sheriff's Department, Agriculture, Eldorado National Forest, SMUD and Rubicon Trail Foundation.
I'd like to thank the Department of Transportation employees that made this job a success. Erickson Aircrane Pilot, Brad Warren, described our employees as "All great folks to work with, a good team that kept all the wheels well greased".