Human Resources Department recommending adoption of Resolution amending the Salary Schedule establishing the salary range, classification and designating the bargaining unit for the position of Supervising Mental Health Worker and Resolution amending Authorized Personnel Allocation Resolution by adding one (1) Supervising Mental Health Worker position and deleting one (1) Mental Health Program Coordinator lA/lB/ll position in the Mental Health Department.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolutions 98-2008 and 99-2008.
FUNDING: MHSA 75%, MediCal 15%, Realignment 10%.
Total Estimated Cost Annual $42,682
Budgeted $ 67,891
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $
Change To NCC - Annual $ (25,209) Savings
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: The annual cost of the new classification of Supervising Mental Health Worker is $25,209 less than the current position of Mental Health Program Coordinator lB (Mental Health Program Coordinator lB used in salary comparison as it is mid-range of the series). Department will experience a salary savings as a result of this new classification.
Reason for Recommendation: The Mental Health Department currently has line staff in the positions of Mental Health Worker, Mental Health Aide and Mental Health Driver that report directly to the position of Mental Health Program Coordinator. The department has experienced difficulties in finding qualified applicants for the Mental Health Program Coordinator lA/lB/ll position in the South Lake Tahoe area and the position remains vacant. Supervision of the line staff has temporarily fallen to the department manager while the department continues recruitment efforts. This is not an acceptable long term solution. Human Resources has reviewed the department's needs and is recommending that a supervisory position be created to provide the necessary supervision...
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