Department of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following for acquiring right of way for the Pollock Pines - Pony Express Trail Bicycle, Pedestrian, and ADA Improvements Project, Capital Improvement Program Project number 97019 / 36109010:
1) Authorize the Department of Transportation Director to sign Addendum 1 to the Acquisition Agreement for Public Purposes with Evan E. Bell and Lois E. Bell, Trustees, Bell Family Trust under agreement dated March 22, 2004, for Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 009-180-008 and 009-180-013, the Fee and Easement acquisitions provide right-of-way necessary to construct the Project, at a cost of $28,400; and
2) Authorize the Department of Transportation Director to modify the Temporary Construction Easement dates, if necessary.
FUNDING: Active Transportation Program (ATP) (51%), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program (18%), Transportation Development Act (3%), Regional Surface Transportation Program (28%), and Road Fund (<1%). (Local, State, and Federal Funds).
The Pollock Pines - Pony Express Trail Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Improvements Project (Project) was added to the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) in 2019, and will construct bicycle and pedestrian improvements to Pony Express Trail from Sanders Drive to Sly Park Road in the community of Pollock Pines, CA. Specific improvements include approximately 1.7 miles of Class 2 bicycle lanes on both sides of Pony Express Trail, 4,600 linear feet of new and reconstructed asphalt pedestrian path on the south side of Pony Express Trail, ADA improvements, crosswalks and signage with flashing beacons, and drainage improvements along Pony Express Trail within the Project limits. The right of way phase for the Project will impact seven (7) parcels held by five (5) property owners.
On September 21, 2021, with Legistar item 21-1310, Item 24, the Board approved the Acquisition Agreement for The Bell F...
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