Probation Department recommending the Board:
1) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 208-2016, which delegates authority to the Chief Probation Officer, or designee, to execute boilerplate State-mandated "Agency-Group Home" or “Agency-Foster Family Agency” agreements; and
2) Approve the use of the "Agency-Group Home" or “Agency-Foster Family Agency” boilerplate agreements on an “as needed” basis in order to place children who are wards of the Court, into a licensed Group Home or Foster Family Agency.
FUNDING: Federal and Realignment Funding.
Probation recommending adoption and approval of a resolution to delegate authority to the Chief Probation Officer, or designee, to execute State-mandated "Agency-Group Home" or “Agency-Foster Family Agency” boilerplate agreements with licensed GH or FFA in lieu of the current County agreements for GH services with each individual GH. Currently, the County contracts with individual GH where a child may be placed, and in addition is still required to use the State-mandated "Agency-Group Home" or “Agency-Foster Family Agency” form which governs the placement terms and conditions. Adoption of the resolution and approval of the boilerplate agreements will facilitate and streamline the process to place children who are wards of the Court into any appropriate licensed GH or FFA, and not limit placements to only those GH who have agreements with El Dorado County.
California Department of Social Services (CDSS) is responsible for the oversight and licensing of GH and FFA which provide 24-hour nonmedical care and supervision to children in a structured environment, with such services provided at least in part by staff employed by the GH or FFA. GH or FFA’s provide a placement option for children with significant emotional or behavioral problems who require more restrictive environments. Children placed in GH or FFA’s are given various levels of structur...
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