Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board receive and file the Final Draft Response to the 2013-2014 Final Grand Jury Report and authorize the Chair to sign the transmittal letter to the Presiding Judge.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
There is a minor fiscal impact due to the staff time involved with the preparation of the Board's response. There is no change to net county cost.
The 2013-2014 Final Grand Jury Report includes several reports for which a Board of Supervisors response is required by the California Penal Code. Per Board Policy A-11, an Initial Draft Response was received and approved by the Board on August 12, 2014. On August 26, 2014, the Board held a hearing to respond to the final case in the report which concerned the County Charter. Those responses are included. The Final Grand Jury Report includes:
From Mid-Term Report (March 2014)
Iowa Hill--Where is the Iowa Hill money from SMUD?
South Lake Tahoe and Placerville Jails
South Lake Tahoe and Placerville Juveniles Detention Facilities
Board of Supervisors Permit Fee Waivers and Refunds
From Final Report (June 2014)
Placerville Out-Patient Mental Health Facility
Placerville In-Patient Psychiatric Unit Health Facility
Past Animal Control Facility Mistakes Have Prompted a Better Real Estate Acquisition and Leasing Process for El Dorado County
Allegations of Conflict of Interest in Facilities Department Unfounded
Golden Center Plaza Approved In Violation of Legal Requirements
Lake Valley Fire Protection District Radio Equipment Purchases (response pending)
Sherriff’s Vehicle Abatement Program is Necessary, but needs new rules
South Lake Tahoe Probation Office
Grading of Boulder Bump Road
Toxic Pollution Spread by Illegal Grading on Diamond Dorado
County Actions Create Flooding, County No Help With Repair
El Dorado County Fails to Enforce Its Grading, Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance
How has Public Safety Realignment (AB 109) Affected El Dorado C...
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