Hearing to consider a Finding of Consistency with the El Dorado County 2004 General Plan, pursuant to Government Code Section 65402 for the purposes of developing a Sheriff’s Headquarters Public Safety Facility [GOV15-0003] on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 329-240-55 and 329-391-10, in the Diamond Springs area, submitted by El Dorado County; and staff recommending the Planning Commission find the acquisition of real property by the County for the purposes of developing a Sheriff’s Headquarters Public Safety Facility is consistent with the El Dorado County 2004 General Plan, pursuant to Government Code Section 65402.
(Supervisorial Districts 3)
Request to consider GOV15-0003/Sheriff’s Headquarters Public Safety Facility submitted by EL DORADO COUNTY to find that the acquisition of real property by the County for the purposes of developing a Sheriff’s Headquarters Public Safety Facility is consistent with the El Dorado County 2004 General Plan, pursuant to Government Code Section 65402. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 329-240-55 and 329-391-10, consisting of 30.725 acres, are located on the north and south side of Industrial Drive, approximately 1,200 feet west of the intersection with Missouri Flat Road; and the second is located on the north side of Merchandise Way at the intersection with Capitol Avenue, in the Diamond Springs area, Supervisorial District 3. [County Planner: Joe Prutch]
A Staff Report is attached.
Joe Prutch
Development Services Division-Planning
Community Development Agency