Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board adopt a Resolution accepting the exchange of property tax increment for the annexation of six parcels (APN's 062-390-36, 062-390-41, 062-390-46, 062-230-06, 062-230-09, and 062-230-10 (14.66 acres) to the Georgetown Divide Public Utility District, Local Agency Formation Commission Project No. 2010-02.
Resolution 119-2010
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: No change to Net County Cost.
Background: The Georgetown Divide Public Utility District Annexation of Buckeye Parcels will annex six parcels APN's 062-390-36, 062-390-41, 062-390-46, 062-230-06, 062-230-09, and 062-230-10. The parcels are located in the Georgetown area near the intersections of Wentworth Springs road and Breedlove and Brauer Roads. The purpose of the annexation is for continued provision of water service to these parcels.
Reason for Recommendation: In accordance with Revenue and Taxation Code Sections 99 and 99.01, negotiations have been completed regarding the redistribution of property tax increment applicable to these parcels. Details of the proposed exchange are included in Exhibit B.
Action to be taken following Board approval: Board Clerk to send adopted Resolution to affected agencies and LAFCO so the Commission can proceed with processing the application for annexation.
Contact: Mike Applegarth (5123)