Chief Administrative Office, Facilities Division, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Make findings pursuant to Article II, Section 210b (6) of the El Dorado County Charter that independent contractors can more economically and feasibly perform the work under this agreement than County employees; and
2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign Agreement for Services 6044 with W.W. Grainger in an amount not-to-exceed $139,946 for a one year term to provide facility condition assessment services.
FUNDING: Accumulative Capital Outlay Fund.
In 2012 the Facilities Division contracted with a consultant to provide a comprehensive facility conditions assessment. This data has been used in developing deferred maintenance plans, budgets and capital improvement project planning. With this data now almost a decade old there is a need for a current assessment with updated economic and construction estimating data.
W.W. Grainger has presented a proposal that provides excellent value and allows for a comprehensive assessment of approximately 60 County locations. Categories of assessment shall include in-place construction systems, life safety, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems, and the general built environment. Data will include condition, life cycle, and replacement cost. In addition, the consultant shall develop a preventive maintenance schedule related to the assessment findings.
While this updated data will be critical in planning and budget development, it will also be utilized in the implementation of the Division’s asset management software. The new asset management system involves the implementation of a modern software platform and the entirety of the County’s building assets and assessment information, including the preventive maintenance schedule, will be part of this new database. This new software will manage all the Division’s maintenance and construction workflow and starting with curren...
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