Transportation Department recommending Chairman be authorized to sign Amendment 1 to Cooperative Agreement 03-0284 with the State of California Department of Transportation to fund Caltrans share of the construction engineering and construction of the Silvertip Phase 2 Erosion Control Project JN 95141 improvements within the Caltrans right-of-way.
FUNDING: Caltrans.
Total Estimated Cost $ 38,000.00
Budgeted $38,000.00
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $ 38,000.00
Change To Net County Cost $0.00
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
There is no cost to the County General Fund. The funds from this Amendment I to Contribution Agreement No. 03-0284 will be used to fund Caltrans' share of the construction engineering and construction of the Silvertip Phase 2 Erosion Control Project improvements within Caltrans' right-of-way.
The Silvertip Phase 2 Erosion Control Project (Project) provides treatment of storm water from both the County's and Caltrans' rights-of-way. The Project includes constructing a larger capacity culvert across State Highway 89, removing the existing culvert crossing, and installing a concrete vault to direct highway runoff into the Silvertip Phase 1 Erosion Control Project treatment basin. Since this Project was of mutual benefit to the State and County, Caltrans agreed to participate financially through the subject Contribution Agreement and originally contributed $75,000.00, which represented the State's estimated share of the construction engineering and construction of the improvements within the State's right-of-way.
Reason for Recommendation:
The purpose of this Amendment I is to increase Caltrans' contribution to the Project by $38,000.00 to reflect the higher than originally estimated construction bid amount for the Project. After reviewing the bid rec...
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