Treasurer/Tax Collector recommending the Chair be authorized to sign Amendment II to Agreement No. 239-S0111 with HP Enterprise Services, LLC, to expand the scope of services to provide credit card payment of legally permissible fines, taxes, and fees for said Department.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: There is no Net County Cost associated with this agreement. Fees are paid by cardholders. Estimated equipment and service costs related to implementing and maintaining the convenience pay system are not anticipated to exceed $1,000 per year. These costs are included in the Treasury / Tax Collector budget.
Background: The Treasurer / Tax Collector's Office currently has a system in place to allow cardholders to pay taxes by phone and through an on-line payment system. It is the desire of the Office to expand on these services and allow cardholders to pay taxes by credit card at the counter of the Treasurer/Tax Collector's Office.
The convenience fee charged to the cardholders at the counter is $3 plus 2.2% of the tax payment amount.
Reason for Recommendation: The Treasurer/Tax Collector's Office has contracted with HP Enterprise Services, LLC to provide an Interactive Voice Response Unit to accept County tax payments and provide a hosted website for on-line tax payments with a credit card. Procurement and Contracts has processed Amendment II to the subject agreement.
In accordance with Board of Supervisors Policy C-17, Section 7.4.2, County Purchasing concurs with the department's request to amend this agreement. The amendment engages HP Enterprise Services, LLC to provide a system for over-the-counter payments for secured, unsecured, supplemental property taxes.
The Treasurer/Tax Collector's Office conducted research on the availability of firms to perform these services and solicited informal proposals during the 1999/2000 fiscal year. The department selected Electronic Data Systems Corporation (now known as HP Enterprise Servi...
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