Community Development Services, Administration and Finance Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Second Amendment to a perpetual agreement with Cardknox (Agreement 2709 - Attachment B), the credit card system provider for the TRAKiT system, to change the $45 monthly service payment and $89 yearly service payment to a one-time fee of $200, for the life of the contract.
FUNDING: Technology Fees (credit card processing fees are paid by cardholders).
After working with the credit card system for TRAKiT, it came to the attention of Cardknox staff and County staff that the process for charging monthly and yearly fees for the credit card system was cumbersome and could be more efficient and effective. Through a conversation about Cardknox’s services with the Teasurer/Tax Collector, the company proposed eliminating the $45 monthly fee and the $89 yearly fee and replacing it with a one-time $200 fee for the life of the contract.
The first amendment to this contract was prompted during the implementation process with Cardknox. It was discovered that the first convenience fee rate negotiated, 1.59%, was not a standard rate but an average of what Cardknox would charge customers for a convenience fee. Each credit or debit card used would be charged a different rate. The Executive Sponsors for TRAKiT did not agree to this method of charging County customers due to the fact that one convenience fee rate could not be guaranteed. Following direction from the Executive Sponsors, staff worked to negotiate a standard rate that El Dorado County customers could be guaranteed. This creates an easier process for Cardknox and the County and will provide a cost savings.
More Background Information on TRAKiT
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