Hearing to consider the Vineyards at El Dorado Hills project to request a Rezone (Z16-0002), a Planned Development (PD16-0001), a Phased Tentative Subdivision Map (TM16-1528), and a Design Waiver on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 126-100-024, consisting of 114.03 acres, in the Rural Region in the El Dorado Hills area, submitted by Omni Financial, LLC; and staff recommending the Planning Commission recommend the Board of Supervisors take the following actions:
1) Adopt the Resolution certifying the Environmental Impact Report, subject to California Environmental Quality Act Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations;
2) Adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program detailing the recommended Mitigation Measures in the Environmental Impact Report, in compliance with California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15097(a);
3) Approve Z16-0002 rezoning Assessor's Parcel Number 126-100-024 applying the Planned Development Combining Zone to the existing underlying zoning of Estate Residential, Five-acre resulting in the new zoning of Estate Residential, Five-acre-Planned Development based on the Findings presented;
4) Approve Planned Development PD16-0001 establishing a Development Plan allowing the project to utilize density bonuses by clustering residential parcels and dedicating open space and allowing reduced setbacks of 20 foot front setbacks, 15 foot side setbacks and 30 foot rear setbacks for the Vineyards at El Dorado Hills Project, based on the Findings and subject to the Conditions of Approval as presented;
5) Approve the Phased Tentative Subdivision Map TM16-1528 consisting of 42 residential lots ranging in size from 43,560 to 46,562 square feet, five open space lots, and one road lot, based on the Findings and subject to the Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program and Conditions of Approval as presented; and
6) Approve the Design Waiver to reduce the standard 101C road width easement from 50 feet to 30 feet as the ...
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