Development Services Department, Planning Services Division, recommending the Board certify that the Notice of Non-Renewal for Agricultural Preserve No. 19, High Meadows Six LLC/Giovacchini Family Trust (APNs 030-590-04, 030-590-05, and 030-590-06), has been submitted and is consistent with the Board of Supervisors Policy C-12. (Supervisorial District 5)
The owners of Agricultural Preserve #19 have submitted a letter of non-renewal, filed with the Clerk of the Board on October 1, 2012. This notice applies to the entire preserve and is not a partial roll-out. The preserve consists of 500 acres, located in the Tahoe Basin, south of the City of South Lake Tahoe. It is surrounded by National Forest land.
The owners have requested the 10-year roll-out option for cancellation, in accordance with Section 51245 of the Government Code. The annual renewal date for all contracts is January 1 of each year. The roll-out from the preserve would begin January 1, 2013, therefore, the properties would no longer be subject to the Williamson Act Contract on January 1, 2022.
Notice was provided to the Agricultural Department and the County Assessor. Because it is not a partial roll-out, no action is required by the Agriculture Commission.
A. Notice of Non-Renewal for Agricultural Preserve #19
B. Vicinity Map
Roger Trout (5369)/Peter Maurer (5331)