Department of Transportation, Maintenance and Operations Division, recommending the Board:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the First Amendment to the competitively-bid Agreement for Services 6687 with Highground Excavating and Tree Service, Inc. for on-call brush removal services, increasing the amount by $500,000 for a new total of $1,250,000, with no changes to the term for a period of October 18, 2022, through October 17, 2025; and
2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to increase the contract amount and sign any additional amendments to the agreement for on-call brush removal services on an "as-needed" basis during the term of the agreement as long as funding is available within Transportation's budget.
FUNDING: Local Discretionary - Tribe (90%) and Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Act of 2017 (SB1) (10%).
Department of Transportation (Transportation) previously completed the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) #22-968-044 process in 2022 and awarded Agreements to the top two contractors.Both agreements are set to expire in October 2025. The current Agreements cover brush removal services within right-of-way along county-maintained roads on the East and West Slopes of the county.
The two (2) Agreements are considered on-call, allowing Transportation to request proposals from the contractors for each brush removal project as needed. Proposals will ensure Transportation:
1) Obtains the best price for the brush removal services requested; and/or
2) Secures the company with the resources available to complete the requested work within the needed time frame.
Transportation is currently utilizing both contractors for brush removal services; however, Highground Excavating and Tree Service, Inc will have exhausted the not-to-exceed amount this fall. The current contract with Highground Excavating and Tree Services, Inc. needs to be increased by $500,000.00 to ensure there are enough funds on the agreement for the u...
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