Transportation Department recommending Resolution authorizing the Director of said Department to accept and sign all Program Supplements (PSA's) to Master Agreement 03-5925R, Administering Agency-State Agreement for Federal-Aid Projects, dated February 14, 2007.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution 053-2007.
FUNDING: FHWA Funding Programs.
Total Estimated Cost $0
Budgeted $0
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $0
Change To Net County Cost $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
There is no direct fiscal impact associated with this proposed Resolution. Federal funding for individual projects is addressed in Program Supplements that are issued in accordance with the Master Agreement. The delegation of signature authority allows the program supplement approval process to function more efficiently.
Reason for Recommendation:
The Department is recommending adoption and execution of this proposed Resolution to assist the County in meeting its goal of delivering Capital Improvement Projects utilizing federal funds made available through the Federal Highway Act for transportation programs. Federal funding for each eligible project is administered by a program supplement to the Administering Agency-State Agreement for Federal-Aid Projects, No. 03-5925R, dated February 14, 2007.
The Board, on April 3, 2001, adopted Resolution 072-2001 authorizing the Director of Transportation (Director) to accept and sign all program supplements to the Caltrans Master Agreement. Caltrans made changes to the Master Agreement, which the Board approved on January 30, 2007. Article I, item 4 of the revised Master Agreement provides for the Board of Supervisors to delegate authority to accept and sign all program supplements by resolution, therefore, the Department is submitting for adoption this proposed Resolution to continue that a...
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