Department of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the First Amendment to Agreement for Services 5527 with Macauley Construction, Inc., increasing the not-to-exceed amount by $250,000 for a new not-to-exceed amount of $750,000, to provide on-call road maintenance services.
FUNDING: County Service Area 2 and 9 Road Zone of Benefit Assessments and/or Special Taxes (100%).
The Department of Transportation (Transportation) requested and received approval from the Board of Supervisors on May 11, 2021, to enter into Agreement #5527 with Macauley Construction, Inc. in the amount of $500,000, with a three-year term. The Agreement was awarded from the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 21-745-015 for On-call Road Maintenance Services for the County Service Area (CSA) Road Zones of Benefit. Various County Service Area Road Zones of Benefit (ZOB) utilize the on-call maintenance services agreement to complete road maintenance within County Service Areas (CSA) 2 and 9. Types of road maintenance services include; asphalt patching, seal coating, chip sealing, and culvert clearing.
The on-call maintenance agreement allows the ZOB road zone representatives to request proposals, as needed, to provide road maintenance services desired in their specific zones.
The First Amendment to Agreement #5527 is necessary to continue on-call road maintenance services with Macauley Construction, Inc. The amount of the First Amendment includes funding to cover road maintenance services through the existing term of the Agreement. Transportation is requesting an additional $250,000 with the First Amendment for a new not-to-exceed total of $750,000.
The Board could choose not to approve the First Amendment to Agreement #5527. Transportation would need to notify ZOB road zone representatives the Agreement is exhausted, and they would need to obtain a proposal from another vendor.
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