Environmental Management Department recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 059-2022 amending the current Authorized Personnel Allocation Resolution 064-2021 to add 2.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) Vector Technician I/II - Limited Term positions to Environmental Management’s South Lake Tahoe Office.
FUNDING: CSA 3 Vector Control.
Environmental Management currently has one Sr. Vector Control Technician and one Limited-Term Vector Technician I/II position allocated to the Department. Vector Control activities are seasonal, since the work is needed only from Spring through early Fall. The Limited Term status of these positions allows for employees to work for the season and then leave County employment temporarily during the off season.
The Department also consistently budgets enough funding for up to four seasonal extra help Vector Control Technicians. Annual recruitment of the current extra-help positions has proven to be increasingly difficult due to the limited number of qualified candidates and neighboring competing agencies. Environmental Management has in recent years only hired two out of four extra help vector technician positions.
Adding 2 FTEs additional Limited Term Vector Control Technicians I/II (for the equivalent of two seasonal positions) will provide consistency within the program. These positions will benefit the Department by saving time and resources in not having to conduct annual interviews and eliminating the need to train new staff each season. EMD is anticipating that the previous two extra help incumbents will be applying for these positions. In addition to streamlining the hiring process for these seasonal employees, converting two of the extra help positions to Limited Term will provide benefits and salary increases based on annual performance evaluations consistent with those of their coworkers.
Retaining proficient employees benefits the CSA 3 Vector Contro...
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