Ad Hoc Cemetery Committee in conjunction with Planning and Building and the Cemetery Advisory Committee, recommending the Board dissolve the Cemetery Advisory Committee, and incorporate items A - G listed within the associated staff report into the existing Board-reviewed annual Cemeteries Work Plan as discussed at the December 19, 2023 meeting of the Cemetery Advisory Committee.
The Cemetery Advisory Committee (CAC) was formed in 2002 with specific goals which have largely been completed. On November 14, 2023, the Board of Supervisors appointed Supervisors Parlin and Turnboo to form an Ad Hoc Committee to formulate a plan for transitioning the Cemetery Advisory Committee’s purpose.
The Ad Hoc Committee met on December 19, 2023, with the remaining members of the CAC to discuss dissolving the CAC and focusing on more hands-on efforts and programs, specifically:
A. Adopt-a-Cemetery-Project Program (Ongoing) - The program was established in 2017 with a goal to facilitate and oversee projects that can be completed by volunteers that support County goals at each of the County-maintained cemeteries or result in a betterment at County-maintained cemeteries. The program is designed to provide oversight by Cemetery Administration, as well as to collect liability releases from individuals performing work in County-maintained cemeteries. Volunteers involved in this program often serve as an ongoing source of feedback to staff on issues they see when working in the cemeteries.
B. Updating the cemeteries maintenance plan (April 2024) - To include the maintenance needs for each cemetery.
C. County support for Save the Graves, Inc. (Save the Graves) (Ongoing) - Continued participation by Cemetery Administration staff as voting members on the Board of Save the Graves, in addition to providing support for Save the Graves events. As in item A, Save the Graves volunteers provide feedback to staff related to problems or opport...
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