Human Resources Department recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Approve the reclassification of two (2) Risk Management Technician positions to the classification of Risk Analyst I based on a reclassification study;
2) Adopt Resolution 024-2015 amending the Authorized Personnel Allocation Resolution for the Human Resources to add 2.0 FTE Risk Management Analyst I/II allocations and delete 2.0 FTE Risk Management Technician allocations; and
3) Waive the requirement for filling the Risk Management Analyst I/II positions through a competitive examination process, allowing the current incumbents to be appointed to the positions as provided for in Section 306.1 of the Personnel Rules.
FUNDING: Risk Management Internal Service Fund/Various.
Budget Cost - Current FY……… $8,616
Budget Cost - Future FYs………. $18,094
Change To Net County Cost…… $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
No change to Net County Cost. The fiscal impact of the reclassifications is estimated at $8,616 for the remainder of the FY 2014/15 Budget. The fiscal impact of the reclassifications for a full fiscal year is estimated at $18,094. The department will cover these increases with salary savings from the vacant Principal Risk Management Analyst position for the remainder of FY 2014/15.
In October, 2014, a request to conduct a classification study of the position of Risk Management Technician was received by the Director of Human Resources. In response to that request, a study was completed in accordance with Part 3 - Position Classification of the County Personnel Rules. The methodology employed in conducting this study was as follows:
Reviewed and analyzed the Position Classification Questionnaire, the current classification specification, classification specifications from other agencies, and additional documents that were submitted by the current Risk Management Technician employees.
Performed a desk audit inte...
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