Department of Transportation recommending the following as related to the US 50/ Ponderosa Road/ South Shingle Road Interchange Improvements Project, Capital Improvement Program number 71333/36104010:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Cooperative Agreement 03-0786 between the California Department of Transportation and County of El Dorado, defining the roles, responsibilities, and funding contributions of each agency related to the Project Approval and Environmental Document, Plans, Specifications, and Estimate, and Right of Way phases of the project; and
2) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 070-2022 to authorize the Chair to execute and confirm the Cooperative Agreement 03-0786.
FUNDING: Traffic Impact Fee - Hwy 50 Funds (100%).
The US 50/ Ponderosa Road/ South Shingle Road Interchange Improvements Project (Project) will provide safety, circulation, and capacity improvements to the interchange. The Project includes the realignment of Durock Road, North Shingle Road, and the westbound ramps. The Project also includes the widening of Ponderosa Road, Mother Lode Drive, South Shingle Road, and the existing US 50 overcrossing at the interchange. Work completed on the Project includes the Project Initiation Document and the Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Project is planned to be divided into three (3) phases, with the first two (2) phases involving the realignments of Durock Road and North Shingle Road. The final phase involves the widening of the bridge over US Highway 50.
The Department of Transportation must enter into an agreement to set forth the obligations and responsibilities for the Project components as part of the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) agreement process. Cooperative Agreement 03-0786 defines the roles, responsibilities, and funding contributions of each agency related to the Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA&ED), Plans, Specifications, and Estimate...
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