Transportation Department recommending advanced step placement of a specific Senior Civil Engineer candidate at Step 4 of the salary range for said position.
FUNDING: TIM Fees and Grants
Total Estimated Cost $ 1400.00
Budgeted $
New Funding $
Savings $ 1400.00
Other $
Total Funding Available $ 1400.00
Change To Net County Cost $ 0.00
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
The position being offered is included in the FY 2006-07 approved budget and has been vacant since the beginning of the year. As compared to a step 3 employment offer, the additional cost associated with hiring the candidate at step 4 is approximately $1400. Salary savings realized from vacant Department positions will easily accommodate this additional cost. Funding for this position will be primarily from Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) fees and grants. There is no cost to the County General Fund.
Reason for Recommendation:
The Department recently interviewed candidates for the position of Senior Civil Engineer and has identified a candidate with extensive experience and is recommending the Board authorize the Director to offer employment at Step 4 of the salary range. This candidate has been employed in both the public and private sector in California and has over 10 years of experience in public works project review and management. She also has extensive experience with project management of commercial and residential mixed use site development. In addition to her experience, an offer of employment at anything less than Step 4 would require the candidate to accept a decrease in pay. For these reasons, the Department is requesting approval to offer employment at Step 4 of the Senior Civil Engineer salary range.
Action to be taken following Board approval:
The Director of Transportation will make an offer of employment at ...
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