Development Services Department, Planning Services Division, recommending the Board record a Notice of Non-Renewal for Agricultural Preserve No. 47/Brooke White, identified as APN 100-050-03, consisting of 0.87 acre, as it is not consistent with the 20 acre minimum parcel size requirement pursuant to County Resolution No. 188-2002. (Supervisorial District 3)
Background: On December 8, 2010, the Agricultural Commission determined that the parcel (Assessor's Parcel Number 100-050-03, consisting of 0.87 acre) did not meet the criteria for an agricultural preserve. Pursuant to County Resolution No. 188-2002, the property shall contain a minimum of 20 acres. The parcel at 0.87 acre does not meet the minimum acreage and does not contain an agricultural operation. The parcel was historically a railroad corridor associated with a 71,000 acre Agricultural Preserve under the ownership of the Michigan California Lumber Company. All the other parcels under Agricultural Preserve No. 47 have rolled out. This parcel was inadvertently left off of the previous non-renewal requests. The parcel is accessed from Cable Road, located in the Camino area. (Supervisorial District 3)
Pursuant to Section 51245 of the Government Code, a landowner or county may non-renew a contract provided written notice is served by the other party in advance of the renewal date. A County initiated non-renewal notice requires at least 60 days prior to the renewal date. When the County files a notice of non-renewal, the landowner, upon receipt of the notice, may file a written protest of the notice of non-renewal. The County may withdraw the notice prior to the renewal date. The annual renewal date for all contracts is January 1 of each year. The roll-out from the preserve would begin January 1, 2012, therefore, the properties would no longer be subject to the Williamson Act Contract on January 1, 2022.
Exhibit A: Agricultural Commission Memo; February 16, 2011
Exhibit B: Assessor...
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