Transportation recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign Grant Agreement CTA 12 009 with the California Tahoe Conservancy for County Service Area No. 5 Erosion Control Project (CIP 95196) in the amount of $395,000 for design and construction.
FUNDING: California Tahoe Conservancy.
Total Estimated Cost…………… $395,000
New Funding…………………….
Other…………………………… $395,000
Total Funding Available………… $395,000
Change To Net County Cost…… $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
There is no Net County Cost associated with this agenda item. Transportation will be programming the CTA 12 009 grant funds within the 2013 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) as part of the Tahoe Environmental Improvement Program section and within the Fiscal Year (FY) 13/14 and subsequent FY 14/15 budgets.
At the December 5, 2006 Board of Supervisors (Board) meeting, the Board authorized the Transportation Department (Transportation) to participate in the Lake Tahoe Basin 2007 State Grant Programs with the California Tahoe Conservancy (CTC). Pursuant to this authorization, Transportation submitted a Site Improvement erosion control grant request to the CTC for the County Service Area #5 Erosion Control Project (Project) (CIP 95196) in the amount of $395,000. The CTC Governing Board approved the Site Improvement Grant Agreement CTA 12 009 (Agreement) requested for the Project at its December 14, 2012 meeting. The following is a brief synopsis of the Project:
The Project area is located in the Tahoe Cedars subdivision and is bordered by State Route 89 to the north, Lake Tahoe to the east, Poplar Street to the south, and Tenth Street to the west. Currently, a storm drain pipe from the upper watershed of the Tahoe Cedars subdivision conveys storm water runoff directly into Lake Tahoe. This Project will stabilize eroding slopes and ditches with the right of way on existing roa...
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