Probation Department recommending the Board authorize the Purchasing Agent to increase the blanket purchase order for Agreement 781-S0911 with Solano County Probation Department - Fouts Springs Youth Facility on an "as needed" basis during the contract term as long as funding is available within the Probation Department's budget; said agreement provides services as ordered by the Juvenile Court.
FUNDING: Funding for this agreement is included in Probation's approved budget for Fiscal Year 2009/2010.
Total Estimated Cost $114,200
Budgeted $ 114,200
Total Funding Available $114,200
Change To Net County Cost $0.00
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
The Probation Department's approved budget for 2009/10 contains funds for this agreement.
This agreement was approved by this Board on 6/02/2009, item #19; and it was returned to the Board on 08/11/2009, item #15, for clarification of the rate as stated in the original agenda item on 06/02/09.
The Fouts Springs Youth Facility has been operating continuously as a juvenile commitment option for counties since 1959. It is located in the Mendocino National Forest wilderness area in Colusa County. The program is operated under a joint powers agreement between Colusa and Solano Counties, with Solano County being the county which administers the program. The program offers enhanced education and vocational opportunities and a re-entry counseling component. Programming includes classes in Anger Management, Substance Abuse, Victim Awareness, and Young Men's Group which includes a gang awareness component.
Solano County has licensed counselors who have the experience and expertise in rehabilitation of juvenile offe...
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