Health and Human Services Agency recommending the Board authorize continuation of the Agency’s current perpetual contracts and memoranda of understanding for Fiscal Year 2012-13 as listed on Attachment A and further detailed on Attachment B, in accordance with Section 4.5 of Board Policy C-17, "Procurement," which requires departments to "obtain authorization from the Board of Supervisors, initially and on an annual basis, to utilize any contract that does not have a stated term" for a variety of services.
FUNDING: The majority of the perpetual contracts are primarily funded with Federal and State funds or grants with County share of cost or required match met with realignment or other non-General Fund resources.
Total Estimated Cost…………… $9,125,166
Budgeted………………………… $9,125,166
New Funding…………………….
Total Funding Available………… $9,125,166
Change To Net County Cost…… $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
No Change. These contracts represent a variety of funding sources and a range of required County match or share of cost dollars. Funding associated with the financial contracts is included in the Fiscal Year 2012-13 Recommended Budget based on anticipated expenditures of $9,125,166. Attachment B lists the maximum annual compensation for each perpetual contract which, for the majority of these contracts, would seldom, if ever, be reached during any given fiscal year. The total maximum annual compensation for these contracts is $27,551,182 of which $23,175,000 is associated with placement contracts and $4,376,182 is associated with non-placement related contracts.
Compensation for Services
With a few exceptions, such as software maintenance and other contracts with set monthly or annual payment schedules, payments to each contractor is made within 45 days following the County's receipt and approval of itemized invoices. Payments are made to contractor based upon mo...
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